relieving my travel bug

For the last 2 months, I have been really itching to travel again. Well, the time has come. Perkins and I hit the road tomorrow to get to Yuba City CA. Our first stop will be at a B&B in jacksonville OR to celebrate our 1 year anniversary March 1st.  We are excited. But will miss everyone very much. I am stoked to try my hand at farming, and perkins is stoked to get her degree finished. Some of you have expressed concern than we are leaving and will never return. Do not worry, We have lived in CA before, and if we wanted to move there, we would have when we returned from Europe. So, listen up Seattle friends. Do not worry, Amanda and I are not planning on moving back to california, this is just a short-term mini adventure. You can rest assured we will return. Though there is closer access to surfing, amazing friends, bountiful sunshine, world-renown wine, San Francisco, and redwood forest, it is not worth it to us for the following reasons:


1. We dare not suffer the potential long term health detriments of poor air quality. We don’t want to victimized by this tragic environmental monstrosity; which sadly is all simply a result of greed in food and auto industry.


2. California will always take more money from me than Washington. The state is bankrupt, and will continue to take more money from us, while not giving anything in return.


3. I waste more of my life driving in California than in Washington.


4. Cascade, centennial, and chinook hops are all local up here…I will let you infer what this means.


(and my friends in California, we love you, we will always visit, but we don’t plan to return for the long term. Love you all very much.)


see you all when we return.


Nate, and Perkins


~ by dabhandeddrifter on February 28, 2011.

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