Fog, new music, and returning across america

its another foggy day in bucharest. seems its clouds, precipitation, or fog. Sadly in january there has already been multiple days of rain. Winter seems off and on. Cold here is just below freezing. Cold growing up was single digits F. It seems 50/50 it is below freezing or above freezing. Doesnt seem like a real winter to me.

My heater is broken, each morning I have to wake up and wipe down my windows, as each night the room cools off to the dew point, and dew forms all over the window. My room had insulation put in it to keep it warmer, but it still cools off to the dew point each night. There has been a history of mold growing in my room as a result. Though not as bad as before, I have been bleaching some corners near the windows here and there, to kill anything i dont want to be breathing.

for those who havent heard, I have lost some students to tutor. In the wake of this, I have obviously had time and space open up for other students. God bless my other student’s mother for finding me 3 new students and 6 more hours of tutoring each week. Two of them are in high school and are preparing for some standardized testing. The other student I haven’t met yet, but apparently he is 9, and doesn’t know much english. I am excited to help them to the best of my ability and see them progress. The two older students seem super nice, and eager to learn. I start with one of the older girls next thursday, along with the 9 year old. The other high school girl i start with on Jan 27.

Sadly, one of the things I miss most about LA is the free, and/or really cheap shows the Fold puts together. I still get there emails and on consistent basis see some amazing bands come through, usually the rest of the world discovers some of them 2 or 3 years down the road when they are going platinum on a major labels (ie. TV on the radio, Cold war kids, silversun pickups, Deathcab for cutie, etc…). Well, in preparation for maximizing my experience in seattle, I have begun researching some small, divey/local-only, indie/underground/local musician venues. In my research i discovered an act called lymbyc systym, playing at a venue called high dive. I then saw in my email the fold booked them. So I gave them a chance. Anyone who is into the electronica/shoegaze you might dig them

On the topic of music, I think 2010 will be a great year, as there looks to be many great records coming out. Notably I am really looking forward to: Yeahsayer, Foals, Hot Chip, The National, Interpol.

I am really looking forward to this year. 2008 was a year full of traveling all over america. This year will be also similar here is what looks to be in the works:

March: Prague Czech Rep. (honeymoon)

June: London UK (visiting friends/looking at music school, and Amanda is checking out work opportunities), Boston/New England (wedding/visiting long-lost friends), Carolinas (picking up things, visiting family, east coast reception

July: North Carolina (visiting friends) , Kentucky (amanda’s school) , Utah (visiting perkins’ friends, getting her car), California (wedding, receptions, visiting friends)

August: California, Oregon, Washington. (seattle-bound) and hopefully I can convince perkins to do some camping on our way to/through the northwest in august. 🙂

~ by dabhandeddrifter on January 8, 2010.

One Response to “Fog, new music, and returning across america”

  1. wow, Lymbyc systym is probably the first band I beat you to. Pretty sweet stuff though.

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